Island of Fog Box Sets now available... and FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Posted on August 14, 2018 (Subscribe to Blog)

I'm happy to announce that my Island of Fog books are now available as double-feature box sets on Amazon. They're much cheaper than individual books (for now), and because I've enrolled them in the Kindle Unlimited program, members of the exclusive Amazon readers club can read my entire series for free!

Island of Fog Box Sets

For those who are not aware, Kindle UnlimitedUS | UK ) is a program where readers pay a monthly subscription and read as many book as they want for free as long as those books are enrolled (and let's face it, most are).

It's like Netflix, only for readers.

It's a pretty amazing deal if you read a lot of books. I personally know people who only read books that are in the program and won't pay extra for anything that's not, which is what got me thinking about this. What if they never tried mine?

This was a real dilemma for me. If I made my individual books available for Kindle Unlimited readers, I'd have to remove them from Nook, Kobo, and Apple. That's the deal -- the Unlimited program requires exclusivity. And I don't like that idea.

The solution is to do both!

The first three books in the Island of Fog series have been available for some time as a box set in various online stores. Well, recently I bit the bullet and made that box set exclusive to Kindle Unlimited just to try it out.

Box Set 1-3:

  1. Island of Fog
  2. Labyrinth of Fire
  3. Mountain of Whispers

As of today, there are three more box sets available, each with two books:

Box Set 4-5:
  1. Lake of Spirits
  2. Roads of Madness
Box Set 6-7:
  1. Chamber of Ghosts
  2. Valley of Monsters
Box Set 8-9:
  1. Prison of Despair
  2. Castle of Spells

And in the fall...

Box Set Crossover:

There's reason for my madness. First, why two books in each? Because after the first three, the books naturally fall into pairs. If you read Book 4, you have to read Book 5. And if you read Book 5... etc. The way I have them bundled makes perfect sense. Trust me on this.

As for the Box Set Crossover... This is an interesting one. The downside to book sets is that you have to wait for enough books to be available to make a set. But Forest of Souls pairs very nicely with its twenty-years-later sequel Death Storm (due out in the fall). So that's what I'm doing there.

So, if you're a Kindle Unlimited member already, get on over to Amazon and check out these free bundles.

If you're NOT a member but want to give it a try, then sign up here:

Kindle Unlimited: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Then search for my books, or come back here and use the links on the main Island of Fog page.

What does all this mean for non-members?

If you shop on Amazon, then there's no difference at all -- you can buy these box sets as you would any other book. And, for the rest of August, these two-for-one sets are 30% cheaper than individual books. I intend putting the prices up next month depending on how things go.

If you're a Nook, Kobo, or Apple user, then sorry, these box sets will not be available. But the individual books are, and they will always be.

And yes, in the future I intend adding my other series to box sets so they're available for Unlimited readers as well. :-)

Go to the Island of Fog page for country-specific direct links to Amazon

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