Box of books missing... or lost?

Posted on December 5, 2009 (Subscribe to Blog)

I spent much of last week pacing like a caged animal. A box of Labyrinth of Fire books is Out There somewhere... instead of here where it belongs. It's so frustrating. Every day I look for the postman to roll up in his silver jeep, and I watch to see if he'll stop at the mailbox or turn into the drive. If he turns into the drive, it'll mean that he has a box too large to fit in the mailbox... ergo, my books!

Yesterday he turned into my drive and I sighed with relief. At last! But when I hurried out to collect the package from the back of the jeep, I discovered that it was not my box of books after all, but something my wife ordered. I was so mad. In a fit of anguish I almost threw the box in the dirt and stamped on it, but at the last second I thought better of it -- otherwise it would be ME being thrown in the dirt and stamped on.

And so I continue to wait. In the past, deliveries have arrived within 7-10 days of the order date, so this late delivery is very unusual. I fear the box is lost somewhere. I spoke with the printers and they said that if the box has not arrived by December 8th then I can call again and they'll send out an expedited replacement box. That's fine, but in the meantime I have people waiting. If you're one of those, THANK YOU for being so patient.

I've now added a note to the "buy" page explaining about this delay. Continue to order by all means, but be aware that I'm effectively out of stock at the moment. Bah!

When you take an umbrella out on a cloudy day, that often prevents it from raining. It usually only rains when you forget the umbrella. In the same way, I'm hoping that this post will force delivery of the books. Maybe on Monday I'll be able to post again and say, "I spoke too soon -- they're here!"

Then again, maybe I'll have to wait for a replacement box, which will be another couple of weeks from now. Groan.

Comment by ANITA on Saturday, December 5, 2009...

"Box of books missing... or lost?"... or perhaps it's "The Mystery of the Stolen Books"! I hope the books turn up soon, Keith, otherwise there will be fewer hairs on your head than pages in "Labyrinth of Fire"!

Comment by KEITH ROBINSON on Sunday, December 6, 2009...

Hehe. And just to explain that reference to others, I wrote The Mystery of the Stolen Books years ago as a full-length FanFic novel for one of my other websites.

My fingers and toes are crossed.

Comment by STEFAN SOYKA on Saturday, March 3, 2018...

Hehe. Good thing, Anita, that you solved the mystery about the author of "The Mystery of the Stolen Books" for me. It is really unlike Keith's other works, I suppose, but I enjoyed very much reading it. Sad that it isn't in print as far as I know.

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