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Three library book talks finished

Posted on August 23, 2009 (Subscribe to Blog)

Over the past couple of weeks I've done a TV spot on a local cable show, plus appeared at three libraries. I finally got to see the DVD copy of the cable show, and it was okay -- not quite as bad as I expected, but still pretty squirm-worthy to see myself on TV.

Book Signing

I sold a bunch of books between all three libraries, which is nice. In LaFayette I was happy to be told by two separate people in the audience (both of whom had read Island of Fog beforehand) that they read the book in record time -- because they got to a point where they couldn't put it down. That's REALLY nice to hear!

My little girl Lily particularly liked the book signing part because she got to hand the books to the buyers. She wanted to scribble in them too, but I didn't think that would go down very well.

My next scheduled event (unless something else crops up in the meantime) is the first ever Balloons & Tunes Festival on September 18th, 19th and 20th. Looking forward to it! (I designed the website, by the way -- my day job!)

On October 17th I'll also be attending the Georgia Literary Festival.

Comment by HOPE189 on Monday, August 24, 2009...

Sounds like you have quite a hectic schedule. All the best, Keith.

Comment by KEITH ROBINSON on Monday, August 24, 2009...

It would be hectic if it were like this every week, but mostly there's not much going on. I did just get a call, though, to attend a book fair tonight!

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